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Time Schedule, Curriculum & Course Planning

CEE time schedule production process

The time schedule production for an academic year (Autumn–Summer) begins almost a full year in advance.

Annual teaching plan creation

The first step is creating the annual teaching plan. The timeline for steps in the process is below:

  • From October to November, the SAS team creates the teaching plan template and sends it to the six area heads to complete. The documents specify courses and instructors by quarter.
  • From November to December, the area heads complete the teaching plan, which is then subject to budget approval from the department chair and administrator. The deadline for finalizing the approved teaching plan, broken down by quarter, is December 31.
  • Once the annual teaching plan has been established, the SAS team will use this information to create each quarter’s CEE time schedule.

CEE Annual Teaching Plan Process

Annual teaching plan change requests

Changes to the annual teaching plan after it has been finalized must be approved in a process similar to its creation. To initiate a change request, please email Changes to the annual teaching plan must be submitted no later than four weeks prior to the start of each quarter.

Changes may include:

  • Adding or withdrawing a course
  • Instructor changes
  • Moving a course to a different quarter
  • Identifying tbd outside instructors

Quarterly time schedule creation

The SAS team will create each quarter’s preliminary time schedule based on the annual teaching plan as well as the previous year’s time schedule. The quarterly time schedule is due 5-8 months before the start of each quarter. For specific dates, refer to the Time Schedule Production Calendar.

The preliminary time schedule will provide a detailed look at which courses will be offered in a given quarter, as well as the days, times, instructor, credits, enrollment limits, etc. The preliminary time schedule will provide the time schedule in two formats: as a list and as a visual schedule.

Review and approval process:

  • Once the quarter’s preliminary time schedule has been created, the SAS team will send it out for faculty review. Faculty can expect to receive each quarter’s preliminary time schedule ~8 months before the beginning of the quarter in question.
  • Once the SAS team revises the preliminary time schedule based on faculty feedback, they will send out an updated version for final review.
  • Once finalized, the SAS team will enter the courses into the time schedule construction system.
  • Once the time schedule is entered into the time schedule construction system and the system is closed, we enter a “dead period” when the Time Scheduling Office reviews campus-wide scheduling requests and assigns classrooms. During the dead period, we are not able to make any requests or changes to what we entered into the time schedule construction system.
    • Once the “dead period” ends and classrooms have been assigned, we are then allowed to request changes.
    • At the conclusion of the dead period, time schedule coordinators have approximately three weeks to make changes before the time schedule is made public.
    • Specific dates for each quarter can be found on the time schedule production calendar.
    • If you have any concerns relating to the time schedule or classes, please email

UW time schedule and classroom assignments

There are two types of rooms on campus - general assignment and non-general assignment. Details about each are below:

  • General Assignment Rooms: General assignment rooms are available for use by any UW department and are assigned by the UW Time Schedule and Room Assignment Office.
    • More Hall has five general assignment rooms - 220, 221, 225, 230 and 234.
    • To reserve a General Assignment Classroom for a one-off event, please email with the following information:Event Title, Day, Time, Room Limit, Location Preference and amenities needed.
  • Non-General Assignment Rooms: Non-general assignment rooms are controlled by UW departments and are assigned by the controlling department.
    • More Hall has six non-general assignment rooms - 034G, 110, 1A Computer Lab, 218, 229 and 320.
    • To reserve a More Hall non-general assignment room, please log in to the MyCEE Resource Scheduler.

UW Time Schedule and Room Assignment Office

The University of Washington’s time schedule and general assignment classrooms are administered and controlled by a unit within the Office of the Registrar, properly named the Time Schedule and Room Assignment Office. Due to the size of the University, the Time Schedule Office prefers to have one main contact for each department. If you have any requests or questions relating to the UW Time Schedule or UW Classrooms, the CEE Student Activities ServicesTeam with help you with your request. Contact them at

Below are the UW Time Schedule and Room Assignment Office’s policies and procedures:

Scheduling in General Assignment Classrooms


The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering’s curriculum is developed and maintained by faculty with oversight from both the Undergraduate Education Committee and the Graduate Education Committee.

The current curriculum for each of the CEE prefixes can be found in the course catalog:

Changes to the curriculum, including adding or removing a course, must be submitted through the UW Curriculum Management System .To initiate a curriculum change, please send an email to outlining the change request and the SAS team will initiate the process.

UW Curriculum Office

The University Curriculum Office (UWCO) coordinates the review of new, change and distance learning applications for courses and distance learning, on behalf of the University Curriculum Committee (UWCC). Additionally, the UWCO maintains the course catalog and the SDB curriculum screen (SDB 200), receives and processes prerequisite and course fee changes, and publishes the monthly UWCC report and the quarterly detailed curriculum report.

The UWCO coordinates the review of undergraduate program changes and additions (1503s), on behalf of the Faculty Council on Academic Standard’s (FCAS) Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs (SCAP). Additionally, the UWCO maintains the general catalog to ensure information reflects any approved changes to undergraduate programs.