Undergraduate Student Advisory Board Graduate Student Advisory Board
To ensure that student voices are represented in various department matters, including diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, student advisory boards were formed in November 2020. Representatives from both the undergraduate and graduate student classes serve one-year terms on the Undergraduate Student Advisory Board and Graduate Student Advisory Board. Members serve as liaisons between students and CEE’s faculty and administrators in order to create a better learning, working, teaching and research environment within the department.
Students apply to serve for one-year terms on the Board and are selected by the current members. In recognition of their service to the department, students receive a small stipend for participating. If you would like to serve on next year's board, calls for applications are sent out in autumn quarter.
Undergraduate Student Advisory Board
The members of the Undergraduate Student Advisory Board (USAB) collectively serve on the department’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) and Undergraduate Education committees.
USAB mission statement
The Undergraduate Student Advisory Board (USAB) serves as a voice for the undergraduate population of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Washington within the department. Composed of undergraduate students, USAB's mission is to advocate for the diverse needs of the CEE undergraduate community through collaboration with CEE faculty, staff and other student organizations.
Contact us
The USAB welcomes questions, comments and ideas. Please fill out the feedback form or email ceeusab@uw.edu.
Graduate Student Advisory Board
The CEE Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) members serve on departmental committees on Education, External Engagement and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. GSAB members have regular monthly board meetings throughout the academic year and attend monthly faculty meetings.
GSAB mission statement
The Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) aims to represent the voices of all graduate students in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and serve as the main point of contact between CEE graduate students, undergraduate students, and our administration (i.e., faculty and staff of CEE and College of Engineering and University of Washington administrators). GSAB advocates for, advises on, and helps implement changes within CEE that align with the priorities and values of the CEE graduate student body. In creating a department which is congruent with our values, we seek to promote an inclusive and vibrant graduate community where concerns are acknowledged and acted upon and where everyone feels that they are seen, heard, and valued.
GSAB Co-Chairs
Rachel Pearson
Construction, Energy, and Sustainable Infrastructure Ph.D
Service period: 2023-25
GSAB members on the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion committee
Rachel Pearson
Construction, Energy, and Sustainable Infrastructure Ph.D
Service period: 2023-25
GSAB members on the Education committee
GSAB members on the External Engagement committee
Contact us
The GSAB welcomes questions, comments and ideas. Please fill out the feedback form or email ceegsab@uw.edu.