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Awards & accolades

May 15, 2018

Oriana Chegwidden, Ph.D. student and research scientist, received the Bonneville Power Administration’s 2017 Administrator’s Excellence Awards Exceptional Public Service Award, together with associate professor Bart Nijssen, for developing climate change datasets and models for long-range hydropower planning in the Columbia Basin.

Yifan Cheng, Ph.D. student, received an Outstanding Student Paper Award at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in December 2017 for his research on how climate change impacts stream temperatures for large river systems that are regulated by reservoirs.

Professor Marc Eberhard received the 2018 Academic Engineer of the Year Award from the Puget Sound Engineering Council. A structural engineering educator and researcher, Eberhard is honored for his dedication to students and innovative research on the performance of reinforced and prestressed concrete buildings and bridges subjected to seismic forces. 

Custodial staff Tsege Gebreiogris was recognized for her dedication to the department at a surprise event in December 2017. Surrounded by department staff and faculty, she was presented with a certificate of appreciation plaque, letters and a cash gift. The plaque read “In recognition of your dedicated service, outstanding work, and the personal warmth and care that you extend on a daily basis to all those in More Hall. The staff, faculty, and students are very fortunate and appreciative.”

Professor Anne Goodchild was named the 2017 Person of the Year by The Transportation Club of Seattle. The annual award recognizes “an individual who has made extraordinary efforts, impact and contributions to the local transportation field and community.” Goodchild is the founding director of the Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics (SCTL) Center, the first of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. 
Hannah Hampson, undergraduate student, received a Mary Gates Research Scholarship, which supports her research to improve hydrologic forecasting. By examining the variation in snow levels on opposing sides of the Olympic Mountain range, she is exploring discrepancies in melting levels and atmospheric causes.
Alessandra Hossley, master’s student, was awarded the ADSC International Association of Foundation Drilling West Coast Chapter Scholarship, established to further industry advancement through education and research. After completing the professional track master’s program this June, Hossley will work for Hart Crowser. 
Haena Kim, Ph.D. student, received the Senator Scott White Memorial Scholarship, awarded by the Women’s Transportation Seminar. To improve the final 50 feet of freight delivery systems, Kim is working with the city of Seattle, SCTL Center and Urban Freight Lab.
Professor Steve Kramer received the 2018 H. Bolton Seed Medal, bestowed by the American Society of Civil Engineers in recognition of outstanding career accomplishments. The award recognizes Kramer’s contributions to geotechnical earthquake engineering, particularly his research advancements in the areas of liquefaction, seismic slope stability and dynamic soil behavior.
Elyse O’Callaghan Lewis, Ph.D. student, is one of 20 transportation graduate students invited to the 2018 Eno Future Leaders Development Conference in Washington D.C., where attendees learn about national transportation policies. To cover conference expenses, Lewis has received support from PacTrans.
Victoria Ly, Ph.D. student, is the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, which supports her research to develop remote sensing technology, modeling and advanced computation methods to address water management and planning issues, particularly in under-resourced areas and communities.
Jose Machado, Ph.D. student, is the recipient of Concord Engineering’s Jason Holdridge Memorial Scholarship. Machado is working on a collaborative research project with the city of Seattle, SCTL Center and Urban Freight Lab to improve the final 50 feet of freight delivery systems.
Professor Julian Marshall, together with a team of researchers, received the 2017 Best Environmental Technology Paper from the journal Environmental Science & Technology. The award recognizes research that utilized Google Street View Cars to gather air pollution data and create the largest dataset of its kind.
Erika Miller, Ph.D. student, received the Best Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Safety Award at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting and the Best Student Paper Award from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Surface Transportation Technical Group. Her research explores unintended safety consequences of semi-autonomous and autonomous vehicle systems. 
Lead academic adviser Mariko Navin was honored with the 2018 UW College of Engineering Professional Staff Award. Mariko advises more than 360 undergraduate students in the department’s two bachelor’s degree programs, helped establish the new Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering degree program, founded the annual CEE Career Fair and has worked to enhance the CEE department graduation ceremony.
Justin Pflug, Ph.D. student, is the recipient of an Avalanche Society Scholarship, which funded his travel to Switzerland where he worked with avalanche experts gathering data on avalanche-snow distribution. The data will be used to better model snow stability and points of large-scale wet avalanches.  
Dylan Reynolds, undergraduate student, received a Mary Gates Research Scholarship, which supports his research in the Mountain Hydrology Research Lab. To better quantify summer water supply, he measures the Washington Cascades Range snowpack to explore snow density changes throughout the winter.
Andy Sen, Ph.D. student, received the O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship in Structural Engineering, which supports his research on the seismic performance and rehabilitation of vulnerable concentrically braced frames. He is developing advanced computational methods to investigate the seismic response of braced-frame buildings. 

Assistant professor David Shean received a UW Innovation Award for his plans to build a digital glacier time machine, a new approach to document and understand the effects of climate change in the Pacific Northwest. Using historical data sets, together with field measurements, researchers will develop automated, open-sourced, cloud-based software to generate detailed 3-D models of glacier surfaces. 

Ben Therrien, undergraduate student, received a Mary Gates Research Scholarship, which supports his work on the Mount Everest Biogas Project. To inform the use of anaerobic digester technology to convert waste into a renewable natural gas, Therrien is analyzing systems used in Nepal. 

CEE seniors Amy Moore and Sidney Hutchison were awarded Beavers Charitable Trust Scholarships for the 2017-18 academic year. The $5,000 scholarships support students who plan to pursue careers in the construction engineering field. Spearheaded by alumnus Tom Draeger (BSCE ’68), the scholarships were established by the Beavers Charitable Trust in 2015.