December 13, 2021

Shahryar Ahmad (Ph.D ‘21), a graduate from SASWE Research Group (now employed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), is the recipient of 2021 Best Case Study Award in ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. The case study proposed a rapid-refresh technique for generating flood inundation forecast maps for the city of Houston and the Harris County Flood Control District using high-resolution numerical weather prediction models.

Nishan Kumar Biswas (Ph.D. ’21), together with Indira Bose (MS ’20), Shahryar K Ahmad (Ph.D. ’21), Professor Faisal Hossain and others, authored a journal article that was chosen as the editor's choice article for the November 2021 Issue of the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering published by American Society of Civil Engineers. The researchers presented a new method on characterization of river bathymetry and time-varying heights using available datasets from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation data and Landsat visible imagery.
Assistant Professor Paolo Calvi, Professor John Stanton and alumna Otgonchimeg “Audrey” Davaadorj (MSCE ’18) received the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s 2021 Charles C. Zollman Award. The honor recognizes their work to investigate the transfer of shear stress across cold joints — planes of weakness in concrete structures — in their paper “Shear stress transfer across concrete-to-concrete interfaces: Experimental evidence and available strength models.”

Zhiyong Cui (Ph.D ‘21) is the recipient of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ITS Best Dissertation Award, first prize. His dissertation entitled "Deep Learning for Short-term Network-wide Road Traffic Forecasting" makes in-depth technical contributions to the AI-based urban computing research field and broadens the ITS topic areas from application perspectives.

Professor Alexander Horner-Devine and alumna Margaret McKeon (Ph.D. ’20) are the recipients of the Pritchard Award, which recognizes the best physical oceanography paper published in the journal Estuaries and Coasts. The researchers collaborated with Sarah Giddings, an assistant professor at the University of California, San Diego, on the paper “Seasonal changes in structure and dynamics in an urbanized salt wedge estuary.”

Directed by Professor Anne Goodchild, the UW CEE Online Master of Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics (SCTL) program has been honored with the 2021 ITE Transportation Education Council Innovation in Education Award. The first program to focus exclusively on the logistics and transportation elements of the supply chain, the two-year part-time master’s degree program combines an in-person graduate program with the convenience of an online program.

Gabrielle Hager, an undergraduate student, is a recipient of the Coral Sales Company scholarship, which supports her studies in transportation engineering. Coral Sales is a Highway Hardware and ITS material supplier in the Northwest.

Professor Faisal Hossain has been selected as a fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) in recognition of his work to improve lives around the world by developing irrigation advisory and monitoring systems. The AMS reserves the honor for those who have made “outstanding contributions to the atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences or their applications during a substantial period of years.”

Professor Bart Nijssen is the recipient of the American Geophysical Union Edward Flinn III Award for his work to spearhead the development and ongoing improvement of hydrologic models used by researchers around the world. For more than 20 years, Nijssen has served as one of the main programmers for the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model, which is used to solve water and energy balances in major river basins around the world.

Four undergraduate students received construction scholarships. The Beavers Charitable Trust awarded two students $5,000 each: junior Chloe Jackson and senior Andrew Kuropyetnik. The Clark Construction Group also awarded $2,500 each to two students: seniors Caroline Wigner and Chase Habu-Chinn.