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Royalty Research Foundation (RRF)

The purpose of the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) is to advance new directions in research, particularly:

  • In disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal, and/or
  • For faculty who are junior in rank, and/or
  • In cases where funding may provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding.

Proposals must demonstrate a high probability of generating important new creative activities or scholarly understandings, new scholarly materials or resources, significant data or information, or essential instrumentation resources that are likely to significantly advance the reputation of the university, secure additional external funding, or lead to developing a new technology.


Proposals are accepted twice per year, with a budget limit of $40,000.

Fall round

The deadline for submittals is the last Monday in September. The awards are announced on January 15.

Spring round

The deadline for submittals is the first Monday in March. The awards are announced on June 25.

RRF proposal requirements

Single PDF document uploaded to eGC1.

  • Cover Page (1 page)
    • eGC1 #
    • Proposal Title
    • Department
    • PI/Co-PI(s)
    • Abstract (max 250 words)
    • Do not include information about any other parties (mentors, consultants, collaborators, grad students, postdocs, etc)
    • Response to reviewers, if resubmission (1 page – optional)
  • Description of Proposed Research (6 pages)
    • Introduction and Rationale
    • Objectives
    • Procedure
    • Time Schedule
    • Need for RRF Support
  • Budget Template & Justification (3 pages)
    NOTE: Conference travel and registration fees are not allowed.
  • CV for PI, Co-PI(s) and postdocs (2 pages/person)
  • Other Research Support (2 pages/person)
    List sources, dates, amounts, and titles of all research awards for which you were the PI during the past three years, as well as pending proposals.
  • State the relationship of each project to the current proposal, if any.
    Junior faculty should also list the total amount and remaining balance of their start-up package. If the start-up funds are designated for specific uses (such as equipping your lab), please include an explanation. If you have no other research support to report, simply include a statement to this effect.
  • References (2 pages)

Suggested reviewers memo

Please provide a Word document emailed separately to with the following information:

  • PI/Co-PI(s)
  • Proposal Title
  • eGC1 #
  • Two to four UW faculty who awould be able to provide a thorough and objective review
  • Conflict of Interest: names of UW faculty and staff who should not review