To build budgets for proposals, the best practice is for PIs to either email grant managers with the required information or fill out the budget template themselves.
When building a proposal budget, keep in mind these important tips:
- Project salary rate increases on the following schedule:
- Annually on July 1 for classified staff and graduate students
- Annually on September 1 for faculty and professional staff
- Use 2% increase as estimate
- Verify correct F&A rate is used
- Prorate graduate student salary and tuition when necessary
- Research Assistant salary
- Tuition rates
- Postdoctoral Scholars
- Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement
- Benefit rates
OSP facts and contacts
Authorized Official
Carol Rhodes, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
4333 Brooklyn Ave NE
Box 359472
Seattle, WA 98195-9472
206-543-4043 tel
206-685-1732 fax
DUNs #: 605799469
IRS / Entity Number: 91-6001537
CAGE Code: 1HEX5
Congressional District: WA-007
Human Subjects Assurance #: FWA00006878
Other helpful links
- SciENcv FAQ
- Subrecipient, Contractor/Vendor, Consultant
- Prior Approval Matrix
- Royalty Research Fund
- Limited Submissions
- Matching Funds Request